Saturday, July 30, 2005

Fun with Photos!

I got the opportunity to take some shots at Sue's Farm. (That's Thomas's boss) She has an incredible place! She was hosting a party and asked me to come down and take some pictures of the whole set up. It was so much fun! The center attraction was a "bar" made out of a canoe. Too cute. It was beautifully decorated and a fun place to be, but I couldn't help but also notice all of the natural beauty surrounding me!


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Getting started...

I've spent plenty of time reading other people's blogs in the past couple of months and finally decided it was time to try my hand at it! Just thought I'd start out with a cute picture of...who else? My sweet boy and his favorite playmate, his cousin Marah. She came over to spend the day last week and they had fun together. Hoping to get the chance to get her over here a few more times before the summer ends because she starts Kindergarten this year! How time flies...

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