Sunday, October 30, 2005

A Day at School

What an exciting day the kids had last Monday at school! A policeman AND firetruck showed up as this month's topic was Community Helpers. They really got a kick out of it all and I think they learned a lot too. Afterwards, we all went inside and I hung out there for a few minutes while Ms. Amy started class. I was glad that I did....I got a little sneak peek at what they do in there. Apparently, the "Silly Goose Game" is a favorite of theirs...And you can see why!

Amy is obviously a nut as I will use this picture for blackmail later. :-) But seriously, the kids love her. And they are really lucky to have a teacher so enthusiastic about her job. Not only does she do a great job teaching, but she knows how to get a little crazy with them too!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My Abstract Artist!

Well, if you couldn't already tell, this is me....According to my soon to be 4-year-old! I just really get a kick out of his "artwork" lately. He builds things out of EVERYTHING. I mean, nothing is off limits...Blocks, paper, green peas! No matter what, he is always building. And very meticulous about it, I might add. It almost always has to be symmetrical and is usually complex. I'd like to think of it as his Pre-engineering days. I'm glad he enjoys creating so much. It might be silly, but Mommy and Daddy think it's pretty darn cool!


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