Saturday, November 12, 2005

Welcome to the "Good Ship Potty!"

Oh boy.....You know how it is when your kid's been playing quietly a bit too long and you think you ought to go and check on him, but you don't? I had just mentioned to Thomas that he was being awfully quiet and he said " Oh...He's just playing in his ROOM!" No sooner had that been said, Braden comes running into the room whispering something. All I could catch was ..."Come look at what I made and DON'T TELL MOMMY!" They both go in there and Braden exclaims "IT'S MY POTTY SHIP!" Half a roll of toilet paper, I tell ya. And thank goodness it was just carefully balanced across the top and not inside. Oh yes...Quite the builder he is.
If there is ever an award for "toilet art", he's got it in the bag!


Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Pirate & the Princess

Well, here are my two favorite kiddos all dressed up for Halloween! We'd asked Marah to come over and trick-or-treat with Braden because we have a great neighborhood for it and they had so much fun together! Their buckets were filled to the TOP by the time they got back home. And I have heard nothing but "I WANT CANDY!" ever since!


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