Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas baking at its best!

I always enjoy our tradition of Braden and I making cookies for Christmas, and this year was more fun than ever. He was so excited and did an awesome job of cutting the shapes and getting them to the pan in one piece. But when it came to decorating, I think he ate more M&Ms than he used! Oh well, it's about the sweets, I guess. And here is my little chef...cheesy smile and all!

Merry Christmas to us!

We got a nice little early Christmas surprise when my ultrasound was scheduled for yesterday. We had to be there at 8AM and that was no problem because I had been up since 4 excited about it all! The photo above is a profile of the baby's case you couldn't tell. Those things are tricky to look at! And my instincts were right. They told me it was definitely a BOY! Of course I really wanted a girl, but I am still happy! Braden, however, is not too thrilled about it. He had his heart set on a sister and has told me he's not happy about this "brother" thing. Oh well, I suppose he'll just have to get used to it, right?

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