Monday, August 28, 2006

A fun little project...

Just got a couple of minutes this morning to do a simple little project. Got this idea from Stacey Julian's Big Picture website. Braden was in need of a container to put his computer games in. A long lost friend of mine sent him a ton of them that her boys had outgrown (Thanks Nicole!) and this mini crate worked perfectly! I even let him pick the paper (notice the frogs!). Fun.....Easy....I love those kinds of projects!


Saturday, August 26, 2006

A week of firsts...

Well, this was an exciting week for us! Braden started going to preschool 2 days a week. He was so cute in his spiderman backpack, and so excited too. I think he really likes it. He was too busy to even tell me bye the two days I dropped him off this week! I'm glad he's like that, though. Better than having to leave a screaming, clingy kid. I'm already dreading next year. How can I be without my boy all day 5 days a week?!? That will definitely take some getting used to. I used to be worried about him not being able to start this year because of his birthday falling late, but now I'm just glad I get to keep him for an extra year. I'm really going to try to enjoy it while it lasts.


Second, Braden started karate classes! This is something he's talked about since he was probably 2 years old. I'd been promising him that after I had the baby and things settled down a bit, we would sign him up. I just LOVE him in his little uniform! And watching that class of kids is quite entertaining! As you see, he takes it pretty seriously!

Third, my baby boy Bryson rolled over for the first time! I know I've done this stuff once already, but it really is exciting the second time around too. I think that you just find yourself equally proud of each child for their accomplishments.

....Even if they are completely different!

Oh, these boys.....They always make me smile!


Monday, August 14, 2006

Fun stuff!

Love, love LOVE this website I just found!
Awesome papercrafting stuff.
I think there is something there for just about anyone!
Have plans on ordering a few things there myself.

In other news, I've been trying my papercrafting hands
at something new...Canning!
Here are the pickled squash I did last week!

Tried some apple preserves too, but we won't talk about that right now! Let's just say my Mom had to rescue those! I was following the recipe...Honestly, I was!

Well, back to work!


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