Saturday, April 25, 2009

This is what happens...

...when you leave out a new roll of paper towels instead of putting them on the holder....and your almost 3 year old sneaks off downstairs by himself....and he decides that he needs that little cardboard tube in the middle for a pirate sword! And luckily, when your mom is a scrapbooker, you get your picture taken instead of getting in trouble. Happy Saturday! :-)


LissaRenfro said...

This is cute! Having boys is fun, I do this too and end up taking pictures at these moments. Thank you for sharing!

Brenda said...

Hey Melissa, I was excited to see your comment on my blog last week. Was that last week? I lose track. Anyway, I clicked over here and read a bunch of your blog but you don't have an e-mail up. I'd love to have your e-mail so if you want to, you can shoot me one. It's on my profile page.

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